Number - Number in Bar

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Visually displays a number inside a bar. This can be useful for highlighting values for infographics and dashboards.



Data The table or a part of the table containing the value to be shown.

Row/Column The row or column from Data which is to be shown. This can be set to a fixed row and column name or there is the option to Select using a Combo box or List box control or Select using a numeric index. If Data contains more than two dimensions, then additional controls similar to Row/Column will be shown.

Chart tab


Base color The color of the segment remaining after the value of the input data is subtracted from the maximum value.


Minimum value The value representing the lower bound of the bar.

Maximum value The value representing the upper bound of the bar.


Default fill color The default color used to fill the shape. This color will be used if no threshold(s) are supplied, or the input value is lower than any of the thresholds.

Threshold i The cut-off above which to use different fill color. These should be provided in increasing order.

Fill color i The fill color to use if the input value is above threshold i. For example if threshold 1 = 1, threshold 2 = 2, and default fill color is red, fill color 1 is yellow and fill color 2 is green. Then for an input value of 0.5, we would color the shape/icon red (default fill color), but for an input value of 5, we would use green (fill color 2) instead.


Data label prefix Optional string which will be prepended to the data label.

Data label suffix Optional string which will be appended to the data label.

Decimals shown The number of decimal places to show in the data labels.

Data label horizontal alignment One of Left, Center, Right.

Data label vertical alignment One of Top, Middle, Bottom.

Data label horizontal padding Adjusts the horizontal position of the data label in pixels. Negative values will move the data label left while positive values will move the data label right.

Data label vertical padding Adjusts the vertical space of the data label in pixels. Negative values will move the data label down while positive values move it higher.

Data label font Font settings for the data label.


Text above/below Optional text to place above or below the data label. This differs from the prefix/suffix in that it can have different font settings to the prefix and there are more options to customize the position.

Place text inside shape Whether the text should be shown inside or outside the shape. By default the text is placed outside the shape and aligned to the outer edge of the shape. When placed inside, it is either aligned to the center of the shape or the data label if it is in the middle of the shape.

Horizontal alignment One of Left, Center, Right.

Horizontal padding Adjusts the horizontal position of the text in pixels. Negative values will move the text left while positive values will move the text right.

Vertical padding Adjusts the vertical space between the text and the center of the shape. Increase to move the text away from the data label.

Font Font settings for the text.


Hover text Optional text that can be shown when the mouse is placed over the data label.

Hover background color The fill color of box containing the hover text.

Hover font Font settings for the hover text.


Background color Controls color of the background.

Margins Controls how much space between the edge of the iframe and the shape or text. When Display is Number in a rectangle, you may need to increase the margins to see the background color. In some cases if the Text above/below is truncated, you may also need to manually increase the margins.