In order to write new pages you need to have a login. Pages are created by by creating a cross-reference. For example, to write a new page called New Page you would write a cross-reference New Page and the act of clicking on the resulting link (New Page) would cause the new page to be created. If you want to have a link that differs from the name of the page, you write [[New Page|Name of the link]]
Graphics are uploaded by clicking on Upload file on the left of the screen. They are included on a page using:
The width can also be controlled:
[[File:HeatMap.png |600px]]
Embedded images
These are wrapped in an HTML tag. For example:
<html><script src=''></script></html>
Structure (Category)
All pages should contain at least one category name at the bottom [[Category:Name]].
Pages documenting dialog boxes and other aspects of the user interface (e.g., a tab) should use [[Category:User Interface]]
Pages of code snippets for the different types of JavaScript should have [[Category:JavaScript Library]], as the plan is that users will be able to edit such pages.
Other pages should be organized by subject matter, using three (or more if required) tiers. See Structue of this Wiki for the basic overview and go to the Main Page or Categories in the sidebar for the detail.
When creating a new category, the category shown for the new category needs to be that for the level above it. For example, [[Category:Installing and Updating Q]] is itself a part of [[Category:Setup]], and this has its category set to Setup, whereas pages within Installing and Updating Q have [[Category:Installing and Updating Q ]]
Where appropriate, use multiple categories on the same page. However, do not put multiple categories where one is a sub-category of another as the software does this automatically.
Categories and the Online Library
Cross-referencing (creating links)
Cross-references are created by entering [[Name]]. When you save, the link will go blue if the cross-reference exists and red otherwise. Clicking on a red link causes the cross-reference page to be created. Links to external pages will not have this automatic red if they do not exist.
The link to a cross-reference can be created so that the wording of cross-reference differs from the file being cross-reference. For example: [[Name of Cross-Reference|Click here]]
Where the link is to a category page, it is written as[[[[:Category:Category Name|Name shown on screen]]
To link to a section in the same page you can use [[#section name|displayed text]], and to link to a section in another page [[page name#section name|displayed text]].
Links to general web pages (e.g., Q Wiki) are written with this syntax [ Q Wiki]. When writing a link to Q Wiki instead use [[Q Wiki:page on that wiki]].
Links to email
[ support]
Quotes and quotations
When a single word or term is quoted it is quoted in single quotes (e.g., 'dog'). When speech or text is quoted it is quoted in double quotes (e.g., "How would you rate the following brands of car?").
Footnotes and references
A reference is added using:
<ref>Cochran, W. G. (1977). Sampling Techniques, Third Edition. New York, Wiley.</ref>
References are added at the bottom of the page using:
= References = {{reflist}}
Footnotes are created using:
<ref group="note">Possibly irrelevant detail.</ref>
And they are compiled using:
=Notes= {{Reflist|group=note}}
Page names, headings and capitalization =
Page names should be written with capitals preceding each word except where it looks silly (e.g., 'New Page Name').
Within a page, headings should only use capitals for the first word, except where referring to specific things. (The only exception to this is on the home page, where the sub-headings are capitalized to match to the category names).
Levels of heading are indicated by = signs. Note that we are using a higher levels of heading in Displayr than in Q (in Q, we start with ==).
= Top level heading = == Sub-heading ==
Where there are lots of fields, buttons and/or options on a page, they can be included under a sub-heading of Buttons, options and fields and other related topics under See also.
Technical terms should, in general, be cross-referenced but where this is not desirable instead use italics (''name'') the first time or whenever you wish to emphasis, and write in lowercase text otherwise.
Options, buttons, fields, menus and items are showng with an appropriate cross-reference, or, in Bold '''Name'''.
Text that appears on tables, file names and things to be typed are shown in this style, which is created using:
<tt>'''the thing to show'''</tt>
you can also set the color of the background behind text.
JavaScript is shown with syntax highlight:
var x = 3;
alert(x * 3);
and is written like this:
<syntaxhighlight> var x = 3; alert(x * 3); </syntaxhighlight>
See SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi for more formatting help, including changing the highlight language (our default is JavaScript).
R is shown with syntax highlight:
Test <- function(x, y)
return (x^2 + y)
and is written like this:
<syntaxhighlight lang="rsplus"> Test <- function(x, y) { return (x^2 + y) } </syntaxhighlight>
See SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi for more formatting help, including changing the highlight language (our default is JavaScript).
Style guide
When referring to objects in menu:
- Use > to indicate sub-menus.
- Do not type elipses (i.e., ...).
- Make the headings bold.
For example, save as is shown as File > Save Project As.
Page names
Page names should be written with capitalization of the first letter in every word (e.g., "This Is The Name Of The Page").
Section names
Section names should only capitalize:
- The first letter.
- Things that are ordinarily capitalized.
For example: "Modifying the Value Attribute settings".
Cell alignment for whole table
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" |-
Cell alignment for specific cell
! !! Professional<br>Boxing !! This<br>Week !! Today !! World of<br>Sport !! Grandstand !! Line-Up !! Match of<br>the Day !! Panorama !! Rugby<br>Special !! 24 Hours |- |align="right"| '''Professional Boxing''' || 1.0 || .1 || .1 || .5 || .5 || .1 || .5 || .2 || .3 || .1 |-
The formula is written using:
<math> f(x) = x^2\,\!</math>
Redirecting pages
You can create a redirection on page by replacing its contents with #REDIRECT [[target]]
Turning off the table of contents for a page
At the top of the page enter __NOTOC__
To edit the links that appear on the left, use the special MediaWiki:Sidebar page.
Including Text from Other Pages
To insert the contents of another page into the current page, use the notation {{:Page Name}}.
Writing pages for the online library
Search in OneNote for 'Wiki Page Template' for boilerplates.
Hiding text from the Online Library
<div class="notinq">The stuff to hide</div>
Excluding a page from the Online Library
<span data-hide-from-q="true"></span>
Learning more about editing pages
Generally the best way to learn how to use WikiMedia (this software) is to edit or view the source of a page. Alternatively, consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.